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4x6 print - $10.00
2-4x6 prints, same image - $12.00
5x7 print - $18.00
2-5x7 prints, same image - $23.00
8x10 print - $28.00
2-8x10 prints, same image - $37.00
8x12 print - $28.00
2-8x12 prints, same image - $37.00
11x14 print - $35.00
12x18 print - $55.00
20x30 poster print - $135.00
Full resolution image on CD - $40.00
Web resolution image on CD - $20.00
CD of all event photos-1 horse-rider-web resolutio - $125.00
CD Special-CD as above + 2-8x10 prints - $140.00
Multiple Photo Package
This package has multiple items. You can either use the current photo for all items or select different photos for each item.
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Beat The Heat-Sunday
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Group Selection
067-Arabian Native Costume
068-Halter Showmanship-13 & Under
070-HA-AA Ctry. Eng. Pleas. Jr. Horse CHAMP
072-AHA Saddleseat Equit. Medal JTR
073-HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. JTR CHAMP
074-HA-AA West. Pleas. JOTR CHAMP
075-HA-AA Ctry. Eng. Pleas. CHAMP
077-HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. CHAMP
078-HA-AA Ctry. Eng. Pleas. JOTR CHAMP
079-HA-AA Eng. Pleas. AAOTR CHAMP
081-Arabian Eng. Pleas. CHAMP
082-Arabian Ctry. Eng. Pleas. AATR CHAMP
083-HA-AA Ctry. Eng. Pleas. AATR CHAMP
085-Arabian Side Saddle CHAMP
086-HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. Jr. Horse CHAMP
087-Arabian Native Costume CHAMP
089-A-HA-AA Leadline 6 & Under
090-Arabian West. Pleas. AATR CHAMP
091-HA-AA Eng. Pleas. CHAMP
093-Arabian Hunt. Pleas. AAOTR CHAMP
094-HA-AA West. Pleas. CHAMP
095-Arabian West. Pleas. JTR CHAMP
096-HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. AATR CHAMP
097-Arabian Hunt. Pleas. JTR CHAMP
099-HA-AA Eng. Pleas. JOTR CHAMP
100-HA-AA Ctry. Eng. Pleas. JTR CHAMP
101-Arabian HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. CHAMP
102-Arabian Hunt. Pleas. JOTR CHAMP
106-Arabian West. Pleas. CHAMP
107-HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. AAOTR CHAMP
108-HA-AA Hunt. Pleas. JOTR CHAMP
109-HA-AA Eng. Pleas. JTR CHAMP
110-Arabian West. Pleas. AAOTR CHAMP
111-Arabian Ctry. Eng. Pleas. CHAMP
112-Arabian Hunt. Pleas. Jr. Horse CHAMP
114-Arabian West. Pleas. JOTR CHAMP
115-HA-AA Eng. Show Hack CHAMP
116-Arabian Ctry. Eng. Pleas. AAOTR CHAMP
117-Arabian Ctry. Eng. Pleas. Jr. Horse CHAMP
118-HA-AA Ctry. Eng. Pleas. AAOTR CHAMP
121-Arabian Hunt. Pleas. AATR CHAMP
125-HA-AA-Native Costume CHAMP
126-Arabian West. Pleas. Jr. Horse CHAMP
129-130-Arab Gelding 2 yrs + Jr. CHAMP
131-Arabian Gelding 3 ys
133-Arabian Gelding 5 ys & Over
134-Arabian Gelding Sr. CHAMP
136-Arabian Fillies-Yearling
137-Arabian Fillies- 2 yrs.
138-Arabian Fillies Jr. CHAMP
140-Arabian Mares 4 yrs
141-Arabian Mares 5yrs & Over
142-Arabian Mares Sr. CHAMP
144-Arabian Colts-Yearling
145-Arabian Colts- 2 yrs
146-Arabian Colts Jr. CHAMP
147-Arabian Colts- 3yrs
149-Arabian Stallions 5 yrs & Over
150-Arabian Stallions Sr. CHAMP
161-162-HA-AA Fillies 2yrs + Jr. CHAMP
165-166-HA-AA Mares 5yrs & Over + Sr. CHAMP
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